Who We Are
WHO IS CIRCLE Indonesia?
CIRCLE Indonesia is a registered cooperative for civil society resources development, chartered on 26 February 2006 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
CIRCLE Indonesia pools together resources that are essential towards strengthening the Indonesian civil society. It provides program management, capacity building (through different means of capacity building strategy like training and technical assistance/mentoring) and research services across Indonesia and Timor Leste. It has particularly engaged in project design, monitoring and evaluation consultancy services for (NGOs), donors and the newly emerging Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. CIRCLE Indonesia is currently managing 28 members and tens of consultants who have more than 15 years of experience in various issues for those works.
Below are the main areas of consultancy services has been provided by CIRCLE Indonesia in the recent years in Indonesia and Timor Leste as well:
1. Participatory Program Planning Monitoring & Evaluation
Participatory approach in planning, monitoring and evaluation is a key to achieve sustainability of development interventions. CIRCLE Indonesia offers regular and on-demand M&E training (in-house training). In addition to providing training, CIRCLE Indonesia also facilitates organizations to develop Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) systems and support organizations to carry out the system.
CIRCLE Indonesia has been introducing and promoting Result Based Management (RBM) approach in participatory Monitoring & Evaluation. Result based management was born out of criticism of resources based management for its inability to promote project accountability, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. The results based approach guides organization to ensure the process and program design to achieve desired results with mainstreaming of a more transparent and accountable approach. It also facilitates the working of performance monitoring and evaluation system.
2. Capacity Building
CIRCLE Indonesia has been engaged in capacity building works for NGOs in Indonesia. This capacity building is included:
- Organizational performance management
- Project cycle management
- Strategic planning
- Sustainable livelihood approach
- Advocacy strategy & research
- Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
- Gender mainstreaming in program and organization level as well.
3. Organizational Development
Continuous organizational development is vital to an organization’s sustainability. CIRCLE Indonesia provides consultancy services in organizational development, including but not limited to:
- Strategic Planning Development
- Fundraising Strategy
- Capacity building strategy, which begins with a participatory organizational capacity assessment, which is used as the basis for developing a capacity building strategy
- Organizational financial system.
Indonesia has civil societies that are able to determine its faith based on equality and fairness for the poor and marginalized in society to become prosperous
- To increase the capacity of civil society organizations and stakeholders in an accountable way, to enable them to strengthen poor and marginalized people in the struggle for their rights.
- To support the creation of an environment that conducive for civil society to play a strategic role in creating an equal, fair and prosperous society.
- To make CIRCLE INDONESIA an accountable capacity building organization of quality and integrity.

- Rizal Malik
- Banu Subagyo
- Mahani
- Sabastian Eliyas Saragih
- Yohanes da Masenus Arus
- MM Reina Anggraini AM
- Beni Usdianto
- Yani Lestari
- Muayanah
- Deddy Heriyanto
- Yanti Lacsana
- Slamet Suasono
- Damai Pakpahan
- Djoni Ferdiwijaya
- Sudaryanto
- Sinta Dewi
- Ferni Hapsari
- Purnama Adil Marata
- Sukma Tin Aprillya
- Maria Epik Pranasari
- Victoria Fanggidae
- Sri Hidayati (Nehik)
- Juanita Mandagi
- Ima Susilowati
- Valentinus Irawan
- Retno Agustin
- Achmad Anam Tamrin
- Delphius Ginting
Recent Posts
- In Your Hands: One Earth for All
- CIRCLE Climate Discussion #2: City Adaptation Efforts in the Global Era Boiling – Delves into Climate Phenomena and Climate Adaptation Methods in the Urban Sphere.
- ”Hybridity”, From Photobook to Documentary Film: A Presentation of Visual Works that Explore Environmental Issues through Various Landscapes of Sense
- CIRCLE Climate Discussion #1: Mapping and Enriching Our Climate Dictionary for Productive Climate Discourse
- Regional Community Consolidation in Yogyakarta in Welcoming the Global Power Up Action: Transition to Solutions
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