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Series Video: Applying Participatory Techniques & Tools in Data Collection

There are many participatory techniques and tools that have been recognized by development workers. Such as: before and after maps, resource maps, transect walks, flow of change, rating & scoring, etc. However, there can still be obstacles in understanding how to implement and use those tools.

CIRCLE Indonesia produces a set of three videos on the application of participatory techniques and tools. We hope that this video series can provide an overview of the way to implement participatory techniques and tools for data collection and interpretation in program monitoring and evaluation.

This video series is a contribution from CIRCLE Indonesia to increase the capacity of civil society organizations in Indonesia in carrying out their roles


Tool 1: Sustainable Livelihood Framework


Tool 2: Resources Mapping


Tool 3: Rating & Scoring


Thank you to Yayasan Ayo Indonesia for allowing CIRCLE Indonesia’s video team to produce these videos at the project site implemented by Yayasan Ayo Indonesia. These video production was carried out at the same time with the data collection activities as part of Yayasan Ayo Indonesia project external evaluation conducted by CIRCLE Indonesia.



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