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Training on ODK Collect and KOBO Applications in Survey Research

The KOBO/ODK application in survey activities has been widely used, because it is considered more reliable for automating data collection, and eliminating some of the processes that are required in manual surveys. Surveys become more efficient and effective. To support researchers interested in conducting surveys using the ODK/KOBO platform, CIRCLE Indonesia organized this training.

At the end of this training, participants are expected: 

  • Able to create and adapt xlsform-based digital questionnaires that can be used for KoBoToolBox, ODK, ODK-based CTO surveys.
  • Able to automate skip pattern logic, control input values, rank questions, input photo media and input geo-locations.
    Able to set various parameters on the Android-based KoBoCollect application for optimal use.
  • Able to manage servers on KoBoToolBox for the data collection process.


There are 10 modules organized for this training, namely:

  • Module 1 Introduction to data collection through mobile phones/apps
  • Module 2 Setting up a free online server
  • Module 3 Design and develop ODK/KOBO forms
  • Module 4 Transferring ODK/KOBO forms to the server
  • Module 5 ODK/KOBO installation and server setup on android phone
  • Module 6 Data collection, GPS data collection, photos, recordings, and videos
  • Module 7 Edit data, finalize data and send data to the server
  • Module 8 Retrieving data from the server
  • Module 9 Importing ODK/KOBO data files into a statistical application
  • Module 10 Exporting GPS data for mapping/visualization


Training DateEarly Bird
Deadline for registration
Early Bird
Deadline for registration
Thursday – Friday, 15 – 16 June 202315 May 2023       2.000.000 1 June 2023 2.500.000
  • This fee includes 1 x lunch and 2 coffee breaks during the training, training materials, documentation, and certificates.
  • Fees do not include participant accommodation. The committee can help book the desired hotel.

Training will be in Bahasa Indonesia

To register, please fill in the registration form bit.ly/3LZRJL7

Detailed information can be seen in the file below:

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